This water-soluble, non-accumulative vitamin should be taken every day from food.
It is contained in white meats, spinach, peanuts, in the beef’s liver, brewer's yeast and some fish such as salmon, swordfish and tuna.
It performs very important actions, so much so that its deficiency causes Pellagra: it is
fundamental for the cells respiration, for the functioning of the nervous system, promotes blood circulation, acts as a skin protector, and it is very useful in the food digestion process.
In dermatology and cosmetic, this vitamin is used for many pathologies such as acne, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, hyperpigmentation and it is used in anti-aging
For moderate inflamed acne, a concentration of 4% has shown the same efficiency as the antibiotic Clindamycin 1%. Such anti-inflammatory actions seem to be based on complex mechanisms which inhibit the release of histamine and inhibit an immune response and suppress lymphocyte transformation in inflammatory cells.
In addition, this vitamin increases the synthesis of keratin, stimulates the synthesis of ceramides (the natural fats that form the skin’s layer), accelerates the differentiation of keratinocytes, with an improvement of the dermis and epidermis functions and increases the skin’s hydration.
Present in the following products: